19 April 2023 Horoscope

19 April 2023 Horoscope Today, Rashifal, Lucky Colour, Auspicious Time for Zodiac Signs.

Aries: Today, you will get ample time to relax. Investment in stock market and mutual fund might help you with long-term gains. You’ll be full of energy today and this will help you organize events for your gang of people. Someone may try to flirt with you today. Your sense of humor is your biggest asset. Colleagues and seniors at workplace will extend full cooperation to you. You  might remain a bit stressed out today due to some health issues of your spouse.
Lucky colour: Blue
Auspicious time: 1 pm – 2 pm
Remedy: Helping and serving saintly people will be beneficial in your love life.
Taurus: Improvement in financial condition is likely. Today, you might get back the money yo had lent to someone before. You will spend wonderful time with family and friends. Your love life will reach a new height today. Be courageous in the face of opposition that might arise at your workplace. You will love walking under the clear sky and breathing clean air in your free time today. You will remain mentally calm, which will benefit you throughout the day.

Lucky colour: Blue
Auspicious time: 2 pm – 4 pm
Remedy: Improve health conditions by sharing your food with needy or physically-challenged people.

Gemini: Arrival of money from some sources may relieve you from many financial troubles. But do not spend too much of money on unnecessary  things; else, you will face problems in future. Your charming nature and unique personality will help you make few new connections. Today you will get the know-how to increase your earning. Your spouse is has been an angel for you. Today, you will spend a wonderful day with his/her.

Lucky colour:
Auspicious time:
Remedy: In order to stay fit; donate milk, curd, camphor, and white flowers.

Cancer: After a long time, you will feel upbeat about your future. You will feel relaxed and will be in a mood to enjoy every moment of life today. You will be strong financially. Romance is on the cards. Leave all past grudges behind and enjoy company of your partner. You will receive appreciation at workplace. You will spend a very good time with siblings by watching a movie or match at home. Overall, today will be a great day for you.

Lucky Colour: White.

Auspicious Time: 3 pm to 4 pm.

Remedy: Help others and serve people at social events with dedication to succeed in business.

Leo: Happiness and peace — two most valuable things of life — will come your way today. You will overcome difficult times that have been the reason of your stress. An excellent day for resolving personal concerns and bringing peace into your family. You will focus on losing weight and keep your body in better shape. A relative will help you in business. Those who are away from their beloved will miss them desperately. People of this zodiac sign associated with foreign trade will get desired results. Do not suspect your spouse as it may lead to fight.

Lucky Colour: Beige.

Auspicious Time: 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm.

Remedy: Keep a bunch of white flowers in a silver vase at home to restore family happiness.

Virgo: You will be full of energy, feel revitalized and calm. The financial condition will be strong today. If you had lent money to someone, will get back today. Avoid insulting people around you. Your beloved will value your abundance of love. You will get support from your business partners and complete pending projects. Spend money wisely on friends as you may face difficult situation in upcoming time. Your spouse will fall for you again.

Lucky Colour: Pink.

Auspicious Time: 4.30 pm to 6 pm.

Remedy: Feed cows with grass for prosperity in family.

Libra: Stop being worried as it will lead to anxiety fretfulness and your body might be affected adversely. People of this zodiac sign who had borrowed money from a relative must return the amount today. Develop a healthy relationship with your children. Leave behind the past and look forward to happy times ahead. You will attract members of the opposite sex. Today, your old work will be appreciated. Considering your performance, you might get a promotion. Businessmen can seek useful advice from the experienced on business expansion. While visiting to a park in free time, you might get into a tiff with an unknown thereby spoiling your mood. You will have a small talk with life partner today.

Lucky colour: Yellow

Auspicious time: 4:25 PM to 6:45 PM

Remedy: Place a container filled with milk near head side at night. The next morning, empty the container over the nearest tree for good health.

Scorpio: You will have a perfect health despite being busy throughout the day. Increase in expenses will disturb you more. Today, you will give and receive gifts from people whom you love. Showing off love in every situation can spoil your relationship. Learning new skill and techniques will further career growth. In your free time, you will stroll under the clear sky and breathe clean air in free time. You will remain mentally calm. Today, everything seems happy in your marital life.

Lucky colour: Yellow

Auspicious time: 4:25 PM to 6:45 PM

Remedy: Distribute gift, and donate items such as perfume, fragrance, incense sticks and camphor for better financial condition.

Sagittarius:  Do things that would make you feel good about yourself. You can do well in your business because of the help of a close relative. Give enough time to your family to let them know that you care for them. You may find someone to experience the ecstasy of love. Today is the day to appear for a job interview. You might get into argument with someone without reason thereby spoiling your mood. Your spouse might care extra for you today.

Lucky colour: Indigo

Auspicious time: 11 AM to 1:30 PM

Remedy: Use green-coloured shoes for happy love life.

Capricorn: Meditation and yoga will be beneficial. Those who were going through financial crisis might get money. Anger and frustration might hamper your sanity. Personal guidance will improve your relationship. Your rivals at work will get the result of their bad deeds. Differences might emerge with close associates. Married life will be amazing.

Lucky Colour: Red.

Auspicious Time: 12 pm to 3.30 pm.

Remedy: To have blissful family life, make moderate use of saffron in food.

Aquarius: Recreation and fun will mark the day. Investments of past will give fruitful results. Control your tongue as you may hurt the sentiments of your grandparents. Lonely phase will end as there are chances of finding your soulmate. Work at office will gain momentum with cooperation from colleagues and seniors. Avoid gossiping with people. The day may be one of the best days of your married life.

Lucky Colour: Blue.

Auspicious Time: 3 pm to 6 pm.

Remedy: Give radish kept in a Bronze plate to any temple or to beggars sitting around the temple to maintain harmony and balance in the family.

Pisces: Pressure at workplace and disturbance at home might give you stress. Explore new investment opportunities. However, take decision after studying viability of these projects. Chances of getting gift from your beloved. You will remain energetic. Understand the importance of spending time with family. You will know the value of your spouse today.

Lucky Colour: Blue.

Auspicious Time: 10 am to 12.30 pm.

Remedy: Distribute cooked and/or sweetened yellow rice among poor and needy people for good financial condition.

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