17 October 2023 Horoscope

17 October 2023 Horoscope Today, Rashifal, Lucky Colour, Astrological Prediction for Zodiac Signs

Aries: As the Moon is in Aries, you would like to go on a work-related trip today. The tour will bring joy and positive results. You are likely to lose money if spent unnecessarily on friends. You may add new friends to your list. You will receive a call from your beloved after a long time. You will be on low energy at workplace due to some family-related issues. Businessmen of this zodiac sign should be careful as your partners may harm you. You will forget to complete important tasks as you will remain busy watching a movie on TV or mobile phone. Today will be the best days of your married life.

Lucky Colour: Turquoise
Auspicious Time: 5 pm to 6 pm.
Remedy: Offer almonds at Goddess Durga temple as prasadam and wrap it in a black or blue fabric for excellent business and work life.

Taurus: You will feel tired and exhausted both physically and mentally. Meditation and yoga will help you relieving some stress. Avoid any long-term investment. You would prefer to spend some pleasant moments with your close friend. The longstanding misunderstanding between you and your friends those you love will come to an end today. All your worries will melt like an ice. Venturing into new partnership with people belonging to business family will be beneficial for you. You will feel lucky for being married to a person who loves you so much.

Lucky Colour: Violet.
Auspicious Time: 11 am to 11.45 am.
Remedy: Present books including educational textbooks to deserving people, scholars and academicians for a wonderful financial life.

Gemini: You will feel low on energy and frustrated. Focus on important tasks you want to finish today. Be positive and help yourself to shift your attention from family issues. Better to visit religious places to seek some divine knowledge from a saint. Right time to take important decisions related to your business. You will help someone close to you financially. Love life will be awesome today. Adapt to new techniques to increase your efficiency. Stay away from people spreading negative vibes. You will realize the importance of marriage in life today. Your spouse will make you feel as the most important person in his/her life.

Lucky Colour: Green.
Auspicious Time: 5.30 pm to 7 pm.
Remedy: Prepare dessert made from milk, rice and sugar and have it in Moonlight to restore family happiness.

Cancer: Today is a special day and good health will encourage you to do something unusual. It is likely that you will be given a number of new financial schemes. You are advised to weigh the pros and cons very carefully before making any commitment. Remember, a person whom you trust will not tell you the whole truth and rather will suppress some vital information. However, your ability to convince others will help you a lot in solving the problems that come your way. You will remain in advantage today in implementing few projects, which will affect many people around you. Today, you will have a stressful relationship with your spouse and there could be serious discord lasting longer than it should.

Lucky Colour: Avoid Red.

Auspicious Time: Between 2.15 pm and 4 pm.

Remedy: Keep black and/or white marbles in pots of plants for a blissful family life.

Leo: Persons who were busy for the last few days will at last find their leisure time today to enjoy. Your typical nature of doubting may show you the face of defeat. Today is going to be a mixed day from financial point of view. You may get monetary profits today provided that you stand up for yourself. You are very likely to be upset today because of a prevalent situation at home. Pressure at your workplace and at home as well might make you little bit short-tempered. This is an excellent day for social as well as religious activities. Today, your spouse will make you feel that you are the most lovable one.

Lucky Colour: Lemon Yellow.

Auspicious Time: Between 3.30 pm and 4.45 pm.

Remedy: Worship Lord Krishna to have a home full of happiness and satisfaction.

Virgo: Your mental and physical health will flourish if you share happiness with others. Investment made today will enhance your prosperity and financial security. All you need today is to be aware of what is happening around you. You will get ample of opportunity to exhibit your talents. You need to venture out and rub your shoulders with people at higher places. You are likely to get good news of a new family member’s arrival. You will be in a pleasant mood today. Hence, make plans to travel with your family. Work tensions will cloud your mind throughout the day leaving no time for family and friends.

Lucky Colour: Mustard Yellow.

Auspicious Time: Between 10 am and 12 noon.

Remedy: Make use of floor mats for sleeping purposes for attaining financial strength.

Libra: Despite a busy schedule, take some time out for relaxation in the evening. Today, your money can be spent on unnecessary things. If you want to save money, talk to your spouse or parents. The day does not seem to be smooth on family front. There will be work pressure, but do not overthink about it. Maintain your honesty, your skills and determination will get noticed. Travel will be beneficial but expensive. Relatives might become a reason for arguments with your spouse today.

Lucky colour: Pastel shades
Auspicious time: 1pm to 2 pm
Remedy: From time to time, gift brothers red-coloured clothing material and other gifts, for smooth family life.

Scorpio: You will be full of energy today, whatever you do, you will be able to finish it in half the time you generally take. Stick to your budget to avoid financial crisis  You will get sufficient time to spend with family members and friends. You will improve your business contacts, if you travel today. Try your best to stay away from selfish people. An old issue might crop up between you and your spouse which will eventually lead to an argument.

Lucky colour: Red
Auspicious time: 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm
Remedy: For a strong financial condition, apply saffron mark on your forehead and near your navel.

Sagittarius: Today, you will recover from prolong illness. But avoid selfish and short-tempered people, as they can give you some stress. There might be constant outflow of money for which you may face difficulties in accumulating wealth today. Lack of communication with someone you care about will leave you in stress. New ventures will prove to be lucrative and profitable. You will remain mentally calm, which will benefit you throughout the day. Your spouse might fight with you, under the influence of others. Try to handle it smoothly.
Lucky colour: Red
Auspicious time: 11 am to 1 pm
Remedy: Enjoy a blissful family life by worshipping and greeting Lord Shiva, Bhairava, Hanuman.

Capricorn: You would remain in good health. Your financial status may boost. However, your expenses may shoot up.  If in trouble, your friends would come to your rescue.   Despite conflicts, your love life would be good.  Some may receive promotion or monetary benefits at workplace.   Travelling for work purpose may eventually bring you favourable results. You may feel fortunate in the company of your spouse.

Lucky Colour: Off-white.

Auspicious Time: Between 4 pm and 5 pm.

Remedy: Help the needy and invest you time and energy in constructive ideas.

Aquarius: You may go for pleasure trip or social gatherings to let yourself relax.   Your siblings may help you gain monetary benefits.   Your dominating attitude in the family, if exists, need to be checked.   You may miss your partner, if you are living far from each other.  There may be minor stress over slow progress of work at office.   You may take some time out for yourself from your busy schedule.  You may take your spouse for a romantic date night.

Lucky Colour: Grey.

Auspicious Time: Between 2 pm and 3 pm.

Remedy: Feed rotis or breads to dogs.

Pisces: You may feel frustrated for something but you must not let it overpower you.  There could be profits from unexpected sources.  You may participate in activities that include youngsters.   You may cheer up on a new romantic encounter.  Your work endeavors may be recognized at workplace.  You may spend your free time reading a book.  Your spouse may turn your angel.

Lucky Colour: Purple.

Auspicious Time: Between 5:30 pm and 6:30 pm.

Remedy: Recite Hanuman Chalisa.

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