11 January 2024 Horoscope

Rashifal and Horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces for 11 January 2023, Wednesday.

Aries: Chances of argument with spouse over money-related issues. Take some time out to deal with problems of your children. You might be misunderstood in lover affair. Your confidence will make an impact in your professional life. It will enable you to convince others. Religious rituals might be performed at home. It’s very important to spend some time with your life-partner.

Lucky Colour: Brown.

Auspicious Time: 5 pm to 7 pm.

Remedy :- Wear silver bangle to increase your financial prospects.

Taurus: Friends will be supportive. Chances of discord in the family due to lack of money. Take some time out to deal with problems of your children. You may feel absence of love. You will be rewarded for some of your good deeds today at work.  Avoid unnecessary fights and arguments while talking to family members. You might get annoyed with your spouse over the grocery shopping.

Lucky Colour: Violet.

Auspicious Time: 2 pm to 3.15 pm.

Remedy :- For improving finances, avoid traits such as envy and jealousy.

Gemini: Suitable day to leave liquor addiction. Improvement in monetary situation will make it convenient for you to purchase essential items. Those associated with foreign trade are expected to get the desired results. You will make full use of their talent at the workplace. You will find yourself in the spotlight when assistance you gave to someone else is rewarded or acknowledged. You will feel blessed today.

Lucky Colour: Grey.

Auspicious Time: 7 pm to 8 pm.

Remedy :- Place a golden idol of your deity in the pooja ghar or family altar, and worship daily for great health.

Cancer: Avoid getting into any type of conflict with dear one. You understand that life is not a bed of roses. Have patience to deal with your troubles. Control your emotions as too much excitement may harm your nervous system. You will be able to save appropriately. You will realise that your spouse is true to you. Business partners will be supportive.

Lucky Colour: Bright Yellow.

Auspicious Time: 11 am to 12 pm.

Remedy: Wrap equal amount of black and white sesame seeds in a cloth and keep this bundle with you always for excellent health.

Leo: You will make experiment with life in new style. You will add spice to your routine life. Take sufficient rest. Those are associated with dairy industry, will get benefits financially. Take consent of everyone before you make changes to home interiors. Express your feelings before your sweetheart before you get late. Your colleagues will complain of your dominating attitude. Your day with your spouse will be just wonderful.

Lucky Colour: Red.

Auspicious Time: 10 am to 11.15 am.

Remedy: Rise up early in the morning and greet the rising Sun and chant Gayatri Mantra 11 times for quick growth in profession.

Virgo: You will be in a competitive mood. You will be highly ambitious, motivated and determined to take any kind of risk. Take care of your health. Do not lend money to anyone without considering it. You will fall in love. Your harsh behaviour may hurt someone close to you. Your skills and talents will be noticed at workplace. Your strong personality will win hearts. Avoid expecting much in married life.

Lucky Colour: Wine Red.

Auspicious Time: 12.30 pm to 2 pm.

Remedy: Worship Lord Bhairava for excellent health.

Libra: You will get relief from a prolonged illness and the day would, over all, remain advantageous. You are advised to keep your anger very much under control and decently behave with one and all in your workplace. Remember, any deviation from this advice could cost you even your job, thereby directly worsening your financial standing. You will receive a letter by post, which may bring good news for your family. If you have plans to go out with your lover and enjoy your leisure time together, then be careful about the clothes that you wear as it may irritate him/her. You may get some bad news from your in-laws’ side today, which might make you depressing. As a result of which, you will very likely spend a lot of time in thinking about it. Today, your spouse might refuse to satiate your wants.

Lucky Colour: Pastel.

Auspicious Time: Between 6.25 pm and 8.15 pm.

Remedy: Keep Chandra Yantra at the puja room of your home for increase in income.

Scorpio: Today will eventually make you feel frustrated. It is good to take care of your loved ones, but do not overlook your own health. Immense pleasure and enjoyment are in store for those people who venture out to have fun today. It is very likely that you may face money-related problems. However, by the virtue of your understanding and wit, you can turn the upside down and your loss into profit. Try to make time and visit your close friends, who need your support. Stay cheerful and have courage to face the downs in love. Interestingly, your sharp observation of different situations will help you in staying ahead of others. You will spend a beautiful time with your better half today, despite the fact that things might not happen as you would wish. Do yoga and meditation for mental strength.

Lucky Colour: Red.

Auspicious Time: Between 12.30 pm and 2 pm.

Remedy: Lovers may gift each other Sphatik (crystal beads) for stronger bond of love.

Sagittarius: You are advised to eliminate negative thoughts from your mind, much before those become your mental illness. However, you can get rid of them by involving yourself in any charitable work that would give you complete mental satisfaction. You may discuss financial matters together with your spouse and plan to save your wealth for future. Your charming personality will help you to make few new friends. Beginning of the day may be a little bit exhausting, but you will start getting good results later on today. You will be able to find some leisure time for yourself at the end of the day and put it to use by meeting someone close to you. You might face a difficult time with family members. However, your spouse will caress today and you may get the much needed rejuvenation of life.

Lucky Colour: White.

Auspicious Time: Between 1 pm and 2.30 pm.

Remedy: Feed Gur (jaggery) and Roti to brown cows for a smooth and blissful love life.

Capricorn:  Your rash behaviour may spark some problems.  Financial position may improve. Thirst for knowledge would make you new friends. Love life would be wonderful.  At workplace, you may feel like you’re on your own. Some things may proceed as you’d desired. Your marital life would be blissful.

Lucky Colour: Turquoise.

Auspicious Time: Between 3 pm and 4:30 pm.

Remedy:  Feed rotis to dogs.

Aquarius: You would be in good health. Being cheerful and confident would help you achieve success.  You may come up with some incredible ideas that would ensure financial gains.  Some may feel like they’ve lost their spark. However, believing in self and working a little harder won’t disappoint you. You may spend of one the best moments of married life with your spouse.

Lucky Colour: Red.

Auspicious Time: Between 4:30 pm and 5:30 pm.

Remedy: Make moderate use of saffron in food.

Pisces: You would be in good health.  In difficult times, your savings would be your savior.   Beautification of the house may be on your bucket list.  Children in the house would spread happiness among family members. Taking a walk alone in the evening may help you declutter your thoughts.

Lucky Colour: Sea Green.

Auspicious Time: Between 2:15 pm and 4 pm.

Remedy: Maintain an aquarium at home and feed fish increase regularly.

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