10 October 2023 Horoscope

10 October 2023 Horoscope Today, Rashifal, Lucky Colour, Astrological Prediction for Zodiac Signs

Aries: You will stay fit and fine the day long today and enjoy some sporting activities. You are very likely to get an employment opportunity, which will improve your financial condition. Be careful, as someone you live with will become annoyed with you today because of your recent actions. Family tussles may affect your married life. There is a possibility of romance coming your way as friendship with somebody from the opposite sex turns deeper. Slow progress of work may bring you minor tensions today.

Lucky Colour: Forest Green.

Auspicious Time: Between 9 am and 10 am.

Remedy: Use dhak leaves for cooking purposes to enhance professional life.

Taurus: You are likely to face some hindrances today, but never lose your heart and work harder to get the results that you desire. Try to take the world in your stride and convert these setbacks into stepping stones. Seek the advice from elderly persons in your family regarding money management and savings, in case you feel that you run short of money. Someone may come your way and create disturbances in your love affair today. Touring is likely to improve your business contacts. A relative will help you at the time of crisis. There may be scuffle in between you and your spouse today leading to tensions.

Lucky Colour: Blue.

Auspicious Time: Between 3 pm and 5 pm.

Remedy: Offer bundi and ladoo at Hanuman temple to restore family happiness.

Gemini: Today seems to be a very good day from your health point of view. Your jovial state of mind will give you the desired impetus and keep you confident throughout the day. Financial crises at home can upset you today if you are a student and want to study abroad. It is a very good time to get involved in activities that include youngsters and vibrant minds. Love life will blossom really beautifully today. Some of your best opportunities for financial growth will come through new people whom you meet.

Lucky Colour: Light Green.

Auspicious Time: Between 1 pm and 1.45 pm.

Remedy: Offer laddos to Ganesh and give the prasad to children for financial growth.

Cancer: As the Moon is moving into Capricorn today, it may enrich you with knowledge, different skills. You will learn how to deal with challenging situations without hurting anyone. You will motivate yourself to become more optimistic. Financial condition will improve gradually. You always get failed to convince your partner about your point. But, today, you will manage it through your emotions. You will listen to music as you are a great music lover. Some guests may visit your home today. You will realize that marriage is a blessing and you are going to tie the knot soon.

Lucky Colour: Golden.
Auspicious Time: 4 pm to 5 pm.
Remedy: Worship an iron idol of your personal deity at home daily for bliss in family.

Leo: You will be emotional about different issues. Avoid taking decisions in a hurry today. You will expenses towards medical bills in family. Those who are running small scale businesses can take suggestions from their closed one. Unavoidable responsibilities will keep you busy throughout the day. You will fail impressing your better-half. A verbal spat may occur between you and your spouse over trivial matter due to miscommunication. Your behaviour towards spouse and children will be rough for which you have to pay heavily.

Lucky Colour: Burgundy Red.
Auspicious Time: 3 pm to 4 pm.
Remedy: Use copper spoons or gold spoons for eating to gain health.

Virgo: You will feel more ambitious today. You want everything in your life including friends, family, wealth, fame and success. But, you need to work on right path to get success. Some of your plans are going to be executed bringing you financial benefits. Never get into controversies if you are going on a date today. Perform your duty at workplace sincerely, or else you may give explanation to your boss. Businessmen of this zodiac sign will get new direction to earn profits. Your spouse will not be cooperative today, which will eventually make you feel frustrated.

Lucky Colour: Violet.
Auspicious Time: 5.15 pm to 6.15 pm.
Remedy: Donate lentils (masoor dal) to sweeper and help dalits in other way for excellent health.

Libra: If you had invested money in any land overseas, it can be sold today at a good price and give you good profits. It’s an auspicious day to start a new family venture. Take help from other members to make it a great success. Your inner values coupled with a positive attitude will bring success at workplace. You will pay attention to tax and insurance matters. Today, you will spend the best time of your life with your life partner today.

Lucky colour: Blue
Auspicious time: 5 pm to 6.45 pm
Remedy: Mix wheat, whole red lentils and red vermillion in water while bathing, for good health.

Scorpio: Working professionals of this zodiac sign will bear pressure from seniors at workplace and experience tension at home. You may spend a lot of money on small things around the house, which will stress you out. Your personality will help you make few new friends. Chances of someone proposing  you is there today. Good day for businessmen as they might see some sudden unexpected profits. You will make efforts to improve your looks and personality. Today, you will fell all good things about your marriage.
Lucky colour: Green
Auspicious time:1.30 pm to 3 pm

Remedy: Wear gold always, depending on your affordability, for constant improvement in your economic condition.

Sagittarius: Despite a busy schedule, you will have enough time to relax today. Today, you’ll realise that investing money often proves to be very beneficial as an investment made by you would give you profitable returns. New ventures will be alluring and promise good returns. During the night, you would want to have some “me time” and take a walk on the terrace or in a park alone. You joke about marriage but today you will get really emotional when the startling beautiful facts about your married life will come afore you.

Lucky colour: Any colour except grey
Auspicious time: 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm
Remedy: Include more of green colour in your daily attire/dressing to improve your health.

Capricorn: You will be relaxed and in the mood to enjoy. Investment in stocks and mutual funds recommended for long-term profits. Health condition parent will improve. You will experience the ecstasy of love today. Behave according to the circumstances at the office. Make changes to enhance your appearance. Married life will be awesome.

Lucky Colour: Blue.

Auspicious Time: 1 pm to 3 pm.

Remedy: Make moderate use of mustard, sunflower oil, and black grams in your daily diet for quick career enhancement.

Aquarius: Playing with kids will be beneficial. You will have desire to earn quick money. You will get attention. You may miss true love. Business partners will be supportive. Travel opportunities should be explored. Wrong communication might create a trouble but you will be able to mage it by talking.

Lucky Colour: Black.

Auspicious Time: 8.30 am to 11.15 am.

Remedy: Gift a pair of white or crystal artificial ducks to your lover and make your love life strong.

Pisces: You will recover from illness. You may be asked to repay your loan. Relatives may try to take undue advantage of your extra generous behaviour. You will get ideas for growth by attending lectures and seminars. You may get a lot of free time today. Too much expectations might affect your married life.

Lucky Colour: Orange.

Auspicious Time: 3 pm to 5.30 pm.

Remedy: Keep a piece of Bronze in empty vessels at home to make financial life better.

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